Army of Zombies

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SpellsSpiritual  ► Nightmare  ► Army of Zombies
Ravenous Zombies can be at your service.

Casting Instructions for 'Army of Zombies'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Candle x2
  • Incense
  • Salt water
  • Paper
  • Pen
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Candle x2
  • Incense
  • Salt water
  • Paper
  • Pen

Imagine the last nightmare you've had. Put it into words on paper that you can understand. Light the candles and say this nightmare is given to my zombies as rights to be born.

Dip the page into salt water and say my army of zombies are consuming the night. Light the Incense and conclude with saying "My army is enraged zombies, make me your king or queen".


Added to on Aug 05, 2016
Last edited on Mar 27, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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I casted this spell, to make a long story short the queen zombie will attack you after she is summoned. you need to know how put her back through her portal where she came from!!! she will attack the spell caster, if you did not put her back where she came from!!! caution be ware!!

Jan 28, 2019
So this spell worked for you?

Jan 28, 2019
NonstopLD, word of advise, don't believe everything you read online, simple reasoning should answer your question 'did this spell work' if you simple ponder how many zombies you see roaming the streets.

I casted this spell, to make a long story short the queen zombie will attack you after she is summoned. you need to know how put her back through her portal where she came from!!! she will attack the spell caster, if you did not put her back where she came from!!! caution be ware!!

Jan 28, 2019
Lol, ok, calm down, you might need to seek a professional if you're hallucinating zombies. Zombies are not real, magick cannot change that.

Its the easy spells that will work, you must practise a lot of witchcraft to be able to do these spells, i reckon doing simple spells before going to the dark ones

Mar 31, 2019
If you're trying to say it's possible to being a corpse back to life you're wrong, magick doesn't contradict nature, once you're dead and buried you cannot come back.

Apr 13, 2019
witchcrafts are true....... You're right you must learn basic wicca's before dark one's like this..

Jun 02, 2019
Zombies kinda remind me of drug addicts walking the streets. And this is how magic works,not Hollywood's version.fear twisting reality,and mind altering drugs have people eating people. These are the zombies of are day.

Jun 04, 2019
[never thought I would argue with the number one yandere] @Yuno, ''witchcraft'' is not ''magick'' or ''spells'' it is a craft practiced by witches. I am a witch and I practice witchcraft. If you study Haitian witchcraft and believe in creating zombies, that's a different path. I don't work with that craft, however, you are not reanimating corpses, you are using a spell [containing various poisons] to turn a living human into a slave that obeys you, and cannot fight back. This is not the same as saying a chant and the dead stand back up, that's now how magick works. As I said, magick doesn't contradict nature, once a thing is dead it stays dead. Secondly, Wicca is a religion, not a form of spell casting. You don't learn ''white magick'' before you learn ''black magick'' magick is neutral, it's the intention the caster has which gives it a positive or negative charge. You don't have to learn one form before another, you learn the basics of magick and then do magick.

That's not how spells work. You can't summon something unless you have the book of death hidden somewhere in the holy lands.

Some necromancy must work for there are articles about it made by people who are on this site for years

Jun 25, 2019
The art of Necromancy is a genuine practice, but it does not consist of raising the dead and summoning an army of zombies.

Jun 25, 2019
Necromancy is more calling on spirits and using the dead [such as bones or grave dirt] in rituals not actually resurrecting dead things

Aug 03, 2019
Yeah, that true. Just cause it's a nightmare spell DOES NOT mean you have the army of the undead at your service.

Nov 09, 2019
I study necromancy and the biggest mistake most make is thinking we rob graves and bring a body back minus the soul. Which isn’t the cause necromancy is about talking to the dead and the spirts/souls that walk among us. There have been cases of “zombies” but that is voodoo and is a poison used from puffer fish and a few other things that buts the victim into a “comer” like state where famliy think they are dead and after the funeral the voodoo priest will dig up the victim give them a antioxidants venom just to poison them once again causing server brain damage thus making a “zombie”

If you guys dont believe that the spell worked why dont you try it and find out

Nov 01, 2019
because it would be a waste of time and energy. you don't need to smash your head against a brick wall just to be certain you can't break it. as it's been stated a million times before, real magick doesn't contradict nature. once you are dead, you're dead.

Dec 18, 2019
magick [with a ''k''] is how most people in the pagan community differentiate. i didn't spell it wrong, i was referring to spiritual magick and not stage magic. second who is ''obviously insignificant''? Sarah asked a question [why not try the spell] and i gave her an answer [magick real witches use doesn't contradict nature. knowing this fact, we don't need to try it] so which person are you insulting here?

If only this was remotely real, I wanted to recreate Raccoon City! This has been a certified nerd joke. If you disagree with this statement in any way, you may file a formal complaint with the HR department located on the planet of Nekrotafeyo.

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