Quileute Wolf

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SpellsSpiritual  ► Power  ► Quileute Wolf
This does work. But you must want to be one with all your heart, and believe it will work without doubt. Regardless of the age, your first shift will be on or near your 16th-18th birthday, unless you're already older.

Casting Instructions for 'Quileute Wolf'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Day time, which means after sunrise and before sunset.
  • Some kind of meat in a small chunk.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Day time, which means after sunrise and before sunset.
  • Some kind of meat in a small chunk.

Before you start:
  Be specific with your fur color, for example, "black" or "brown" isn't good enough. Instead, be specific such as "dark, rusty brown" or "smoky charcoal black." Your best bet is to add two adjectives.

Be outside during the day. Say the spell and lightly bury the meat.


"Wolf spirits, I ask that you turn me into a werewolf. I wish that I could become a large, strong wolf whenever I want, with (color) fur. Please make this me, so mote it be."

 First Shift:
It is very unlikely that you will shift until you are 16, but when you're ready for your first shift, go to the place you buried the meat and say in your mind, "Wolf spirits, I am ready to transform." Depending on your age, you may or may not shift.

Your first shift will be somewhat slow, and really painful. But, as you shift more and more, you'll get used to it, and it won't hurt as much, and eventually you'll barely feel a thing. And it will get faster, until it only lasts about one second!

But as you shift more and more, you can call on the wolf spirits in your head further away from the place, and eventually anywhere.


Added to on Sep 25, 2015
Last edited on Sep 25, 2015
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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you cant become a werewolf!

Jan 28, 2020
Technically you aren't becoming a werewolf, you are just shifting into a wolf form. And does this really work? By that, I mean have you actually tried it?

Jan 29, 2020
No. Physical transformation does not work. Magic does not contradict nature on the physical plane. If this was the astral, then it is possible because Magic behaves differently on different planes of existence. Here on the physical, you cannot contradict nature.

Apr 29, 2020
Tadashi you always say shifting is impossible yet you neglect to mention on the non-physicalbplane such is possible quite easily.

Apr 29, 2020
How much time do you expect him to spend on here, Yvelta? He states a fact [physically shifting is impossible] but you expect him to list every single thing that is? A number of us who try to help members in the comments have been yelled at for not providing all the answers [we use to say you can't shapeshift, only for people to yell at us ''you can't physically shapeshift, but you can astrally'' and when we explained ''we know, but this spell claims it will make you physically transform'' we're yelled at for being misleading] So how far do you want the members who want to help to go? Keep in mind, we're not being paid, we're here to have fun, and we have lives outside the website? [also, if you have the time to yell at Tadashi for not being perfect, why don't you go and try teaching in members the comments?]

These kinds of spells don't work.

I kind of believe in it

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