Fire Protection

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SpellsSpiritual  ► Protection  ► Fire Protection
This spell uses the energies of fire to protect one from negative energies and bad spirits.

Casting Instructions for 'Fire Protection'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • An object (preferably a piece of jewelry so it can be worn at all times)
  • A candle (ideally red for fire or white for all purpose)
  • Matches (a lighter can be used if you don't have matches)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • An object (preferably a piece of jewelry so it can be worn at all times)
  • A candle (ideally red for fire or white for all purpose)
  • Matches (a lighter can be used if you don't have matches)

Visualization and energy manipulation are the main skills used, being able to do both adequately is recommended. Memorizing the chant is also a good thing to have down before performing the spell but not necessary. This should be preformed over your altar if you have one or a clear space. 

Chant: "Ignis contego a nocere, abdicativi vis, et volutati".

Hold the object in your projective (usually dominant) hand. Hold your receptive (none dominant) hand a safe distance over the flame. Visualize its energies entering your hand and flowing into your center.

Allow it to mix with your energies and fill your being before bursting out and forming a shield of purifying white light around your body. Focus on this idea of the fire providing protection as you chant.

Visualize the energy flowing back into your center and out through your projective hand, into the object. Feel the protective power go from the fire, into you, and then into the object in a constant flow. Continue to chant until you feel as though you are done.


Added to on Jul 24, 2015
Last edited on Sep 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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FIRE The hope of death of flams shale not fill you for one but not all you are fearless. shell never be harmed by the flames

Does this actually work??? The chant is in Latin (I think) so it's more believable to me... I'm still a newbie...

May 25, 2020
just because a chant is in latin does not always mean it is legitimate. however, the more you focus and concentrate, the better your outcome of the spell. do NOT forget to cast a circle while performing to ward against negative spirits that try to find their way into your craft.

In theory, this might infuse the object with the energy of the element to help with protection, but I have my doubts. Also, if you do not speak Latin, do not use Latin. If you use fire a lot in your craft, it might work better for you, but I do not see this protecting you from ''bad spirits.''

So I just burned some paper that I didn't want any one too read and it burned fast and my hand that I was holding the paper in caught on fire but instead of burning my it actually tickled and I have no burn mark eiTher and I didn't even use a fire protection spell

Does the Candle have to be non-scented

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