Hecate's Promise

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SpellsSpiritual  ► Protection  ► Hecate's Promise
A binding spell to prevent and punish those who wish you harm.

Casting Instructions for 'Hecate's Promise'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A picture of your enemy or personal item.
  • Tormentilla (herb)
  • Bowl
  • Water
  • Black dye/paint
  • 3 Black candles
  • 1 White candle
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A picture of your enemy or personal item.
  • Tormentilla (herb)
  • Bowl
  • Water
  • Black dye/paint
  • 3 Black candles
  • 1 White candle
Fill a bowl with water to the point where its not to far from being shallow. Place the lit white candle in the center of the bowl. Place the three lit black candles around the bowl in the shape of an inverted triangle. Pour black die/paint around the white candle into the water visualizing all your negativity flowing from out of you as well as from out of your environment, pull in all the negative energy you can transfer and dispel it into this bowl of water. Take the picture of the person of interest and hold it in your hand of power as you recite the incantation...
''Hear my power call out to thee,
O'Mighty Goddess Queen Hecate,
Move against him/her as she/he to me,
Thus she/he blaspheme ever my name stub her/his tongue upon thou teeth,
Thus she/he move thou hand or foot against me immobilize before thou reach,
Thus she/he bid me found bewilder her/him unto foreign land,
Thus she/he raise enemies against me mutiny upon her/him alone shall thou stand,
Grant me courage to fear not my adversary nor weapon he/she bear,
For thine is my Goddess Queen Hecate so doeth to take care.''

Sprinkle tormentilla onto your enemy's picture and roll it up and recite: ''By might and By magick, By Light and By Darkness, So mote it be.'' Then burn the tip of the picture with the white lit candle. Then burn the middle of the picture with the black candle closest to you. After much burning extinguish the picture in the dark water.


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Is burning the picture necessary? Can I write thier full name down and burn that instead? And looking at the picture of my enemy on my phone? Will that still work?

Sep 18, 2024
It is a form of sympathetic Magik. The photo represents them. Burning the photo releases the energy, and in this case, symbolically harms them. You do not have to, but I would either burn a piece of paper with their name on it, or do something to release the energy. Whatever you feel released the energy works. Snuff/blow out the candles, clap your hands, or say so mote it be are a few options.

This requires an edit. In theory, it should work, especially if you work with Hecate and set your intention. However, tormentilla is an odd choice of herb. It is a multi-use herb, but more for blessings and removing hexes than to hex someone. Also, the order of burning the picture and how could get dangerous. I also do not see a reason for it. I have never cast a spell that requires that level of accuracy.

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