Banishing A Person

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SpellsTrick  ► Banishing  ► Banishing A Person
Use this spell to get an unwanted person to leave (you alone).

Casting Instructions for 'Banishing A Person'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Black candle
  • Picture of the person to be banished obtainable*
  • Piece of paper
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Black candle
  • Picture of the person to be banished obtainable*
  • Piece of paper
Use a black candle, with a picture of the person (if
obtainable) placed underneath, also place a piece of paper
with the person's name on it.

Anoint the candle with oil for banishing. Burn for nine nights. Put the candle flame out, just don't blow it out. On the last night let the
candle burn all the way out.

Each night you burn the candle, meditate and focus
on the aim in mind. Imagine and see the person
leaving you alone; imagine and see their wrongs they have done to you turning
back onto them selves. Do this for about 5 minutes each night, or for as long as you feel you should.

When the spell is completes, properly dispose of all tools used.


Added to on Apr 11, 2012
Part of the The Air Element Library.


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Fantastic spell

how do i make banishing oil please ? and leaving the candle out the whole night ?

Feb 28, 2020
you can purchase banishing oil [check the site's shop] but a basic recipe is 2 parts cinnamon, 2 parts black pepper, 2 parts cumin, 1 part cayenne then cover with a carrier oil such as castor. Charge with energy and use as needed. As for the candle, it says 5 minutes or as long as you feel each night until it burns out, not overnight.

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