Remove Bad Luck

SpellsTrick  ► Banishing  ► Remove Bad Luck
To bring luck to your life.

Casting Instructions for 'Remove Bad Luck'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Green Candle ( Alter )
  • Pink Candle( The Goddess )
  • White Candle ( The God )
  • Moonstone
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Green Candle ( Alter )
  • Pink Candle( The Goddess )
  • White Candle ( The God )
  • Moonstone

Place the pink candle on your far left, and your white candle on your far right. Place the green candle in front of you. Purify the room with sage if you have any. You can always get them at any craft store.

Hold the moon stone in your hand and meditate for 2 minutes, while meditating, picture everything in your life getting better. Chant:

" Lady of Silver magic, come to me, and please hear my plea, bring good luck to me,
wash away all misfortune in my life, so I can life at peace,on the elements of Air, Fire, Water and Earth, all bad luck shall cease and in my life, will enter peace. I call out to you to bring luck to me by the power of the Moon. So mote it be. (x4)"

WARNING: Keep in mind, spells usually take time to work depending on how powerful you are, so don't expect this to work over night or within a day. Also, remember that any spell can backfire, especially spells involving love, luck and health. Message me for any questions, or tips. And message me when this spell kicks in. This is the first spell that I put online so I can give you other spells if you want.


Added to on Dec 05, 2012
Last edited on Jan 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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