Remove a Spell (easy)

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SpellsTrick  ► Banishing  ► Remove a Spell (easy)
This spell is used to remove/banish/lift a spell that was previously cast. Disclaimer: Like all spells, alterations and tweaks can be dangerous, or helpful. Please E-Mail me before you make any changes to this spell at ALSO, I would love to hear any questions, comments, or outcomes of this spell. It is an experiment of mine so i welcome feedback. Good luck!

Casting Instructions for 'Remove a Spell (easy)'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Dish
  • 1 white candle
  • lighter
  • sea salt
  • lavender oil OR olive oil
  • athame
  • an object that is somehow related to the spell you want to remove. (The object will be destroyed)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Dish
  • 1 white candle
  • lighter
  • sea salt
  • lavender oil OR olive oil
  • athame
  • an object that is somehow related to the spell you want to remove. (The object will be destroyed)
MUST BE PERFORMED ON THE SAME DAY OF THE WEEK THAT THE PREVIOUS SPELL WAS CAST, this is the only way that you will be able to channel that previous spell's energy. Full moon and new moon may also strengthen the spell.

Fill a small dish with water, take some sea salt in the palm of your hand and pour it into the dish, pouring it in the shape of a pentacle. Before placing the candle in the dish anoint it with a lavender/olive oil mix (or just 1 of those). While doing so, say: ''As I bless this candle's light, allow the essence to multiply by the power of three, so mote it be''. Place that candle in the center of the dish and light it. Now take the object which symbolizes the spell you wish to undo and charge it with the intentions which you placed in the spell that is being lifted, while reciting this chant: ''Life or Death, Love or Hate, a spell was cast that I repudiate. Withdraw yourself from everything, come back to me, come back to me.'' When you feel that the entire spell which you want undone had been drawn into the object, you can take the athame and begin to cut the object to pieces while saying: ''I condemn the words, of the past; i cut them small, half to half.'' Finally, take the remaining pieces and drop them into the dish while saying: ''A spell was cast, now in the past. It was burned, the spell returned. Now take what’s left, and make it pure, harm to none, my lesson learned. So mote it be.''

If all was done correctly, the previous spell should ware off within 21 days. This spell will manifest faster, depending on the urgency of the caster. (lol, that rhymed)


Added to on Jan 29, 2013
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This might work, but the time frames makes me think it does not. You cannot uncast a stone or unsay harmful words. You can make amends, but the act has been done, the energy has been released. A ''reversal'' spell erases any energy still directed toward your target, but it does not stop the energy which has already reached them. This is why you should think before you cast. Also, this spell might work for certain spells, but not all. Some spells have instructions on how to reverse them in the casting. A knot spell will require you to untie the knot.

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