Give Someone Karma

SpellsTrick  ► Banishing  ► Give Someone Karma
This will give someone karma for 3 weeks

Casting Instructions for 'Give Someone Karma'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Paper
  • Pen
  • Pin
  • Water
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Paper
  • Pen
  • Pin
  • Water

On the paper write the persons name with the pen. Crumble the paper and think of all the hatred you have for the person. Stab the paper a lot with pins. Put the paper in the water then chant

"Dear sprirts of darkness hear me now in which I want to return pain to (name) let them. Hear me in which I want them hurt hate hate all I have is hate towards them. Please let them have karma"


Added to on Feb 04, 2015
Last edited on Jul 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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I must say that this spell truly works. I have seen and heard the Karma in works myself. It doesn't take long to work either and could last a long time on that person too.

May 29, 2021
what do you do after you put the paper into the cup of water

Mar 12, 2022
sorry, but such an universal rules, is already controlled and regulated by higher intellegence, Gods/Goddess, Primodial One. It's not a thing that human can force it to make it do for personal ego desire. now i ask if you catch a Bad Swindler by trick him to police route, are you wrong? will you get karma to be stuck in jail too? of course not, you get a good doing there, but if you do the same thing as the bad swindler, karma will make you the same.(it just a trickster spirit, that do pretend to give revenge to your enemies)

This sounds like a simple hex to bring misfortune. Do not call it karma though, Karma is a cosmic structure that is constantly in motion. A persons actions are always taken into account by karma, though karma itself does not work the way most in the west assume. It is not an instant one for one equivalent.

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