Banish Worries and Fears Candle Spell

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SpellsTrick  ► Banishing  ► Banish Worries and Fears Candle Spell
A spell to help lift negative thoughts from your mind and body, allowing yourself to let go of negative thoughts, worries, and fears.

Casting Instructions for 'Banish Worries and Fears Candle Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 Black Candle
  • Tool to inscribe into Candle such as a small pin or knife.
  • Visualization
  • Meditation
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 Black Candle
  • Tool to inscribe into Candle such as a small pin or knife.
  • Visualization
  • Meditation
Take your black candle, it can be any size. The bigger the candle the more you can write onto it. Take something like a small pin or a knife to inscribe into the candle what you wish to get rid of, an example being 'Worried I will lose my love' or 'fear of failing my test', just anything on your mind that worries you. As you're inscribing imagine this thought or fear being pulled out from your mind and being put into the candle. Once you have your candle filled of the thought(s) you wish to get rid of. Sit with the candle and think of all the things you inscribed into it being leg go from your mind. Take as much time as you need to feel free of the thoughts. Once you're done, light the candle and allow it to burn down completely. After the candle has finished burning, if there's any left over wax or wick from the candle, you can discard it and throw it away off your property in which you will never come in contact with it again, but this is optional.


Added to on Mar 28, 2015
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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