Guilt Elimination

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SpellsTrick  ► Banishing  ► Guilt Elimination
This spell will help those who have committed a wrong doing. It is meant for small mistakes...not serious crimes.

Casting Instructions for 'Guilt Elimination'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A symbol that represents your wrong doings (could be more than one)
  • A large candle
  • Small stones or marbles
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A symbol that represents your wrong doings (could be more than one)
  • A large candle
  • Small stones or marbles

First, you will need to gather the equipment necessary to perform this spell. Place the large candle on the floor in the middle of a dark room. Place the small stones surrounding the candle. Light the candle and place your symbol (which must be an object) somewhere inside the circle of stones or marbles. Recite this spell 3x:

"I call upon the gods of guilt and sin
To make me free from far within
Remove my worry and cleanse my soul
Happy thoughts and remedies replace this hole
Depressed no longer, I will not give a care
Because my wrong doings vanish,
Right amongst the air!"

After saying this spell 3 times, blow out the candle and sit in silence for 10-20 mins thinking about new ways to move on from your mistakes. After about 24-48 hours, you will be introduced to feelings of happiness and strength. You will no longer worry or feel guilt for your previous wrong doings. This spell will work best if you keep your symbol(s) under your pillow every night.


Added to on Apr 11, 2015
Last edited on Sep 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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in theory i can see this working, but why are you feeling guilty? is it ''oh no, i shouldn't of said that thing ten years ago'' guilt? in that case i can see this spell helping to calm you down. is it gossiping about a friend, or stealing your siblings shirt and now it's ruined? as difficult as it is, you should talk to the person, apologize, and make it right

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