Saturn Banishing

SpellsTrick  ► Banishing  ► Saturn Banishing
This rather powerful spell, when done right, will clear negative thoughts, feelings, and influences from one's life. This has been tested.

Casting Instructions for 'Saturn Banishing'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 envelope
  • 1 black pen or marker
  • coffee beans or grounds
  • any bits of lead Ex: Lead pellets
  • middle finger nail clippings
  • (Optional)Black candle
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 envelope
  • 1 black pen or marker
  • coffee beans or grounds
  • any bits of lead Ex: Lead pellets
  • middle finger nail clippings
  • (Optional)Black candle
This spell calls upon planetary magick, which is not a difficult thing to do, but is still potent. Saturn is the planet of structure, limitations, waning, etc... By using it's power, you can effectively rid negativity through the steps below. (Note, this is best performed during a time of waning moon)

First, draw the astrological symbol of Saturn on the outside of the envelope in black, the symbol looks like a lowercase n with a cross at the top ans a curve in it's leg (easily found on google images)

Next, put the coffee into the envelope, coffee beans are often used in banishing energies and the color black corresponds to Saturn.

Now place the nails of your middle fingers into the envelope. (The middle finger is the finger in correspondence to Saturn, and having piece of your body there ties the spell to yourself better)

Then place 5 bits of lead into the envelope (lead is the metal represented by Saturn)

Finally seal the envelope, if used, then light the candle in the center of your room, then walk about the area chanting ''I do this to clear my home, my life, and my body of all negativity'', while shaking the pouch.

Keep in mind that after the spell, forgetting about the spell is the best way to make it work. Soon after forgetting, you will see results.


Added to on Jun 26, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This should work, but be sure to remove that which does not serve you. If this is a banishing for negative influences, remove them. Be they friends, family, substances, electronics. Having the influence near will be a challenge for the spell and a temptation for you.

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