Bay Leaf Banishing

SpellsTrick  ► Banishing  ► Bay Leaf Banishing
Spell to help you get rid of problematic people or other issues.

Casting Instructions for 'Bay Leaf Banishing'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Bay leaf
  • Pen
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Bay leaf
  • Pen

Go to a stream or river. Sit down and take a moment to focus on the issue or issues in your life. Write your wish on a bay leaf. Either wishing to be rid of a problem issue in your life or a problematic person.

Hold the leaf in your hands and focus on your wish. Focus on the problem issue or person. As you do, gently rub your fingers on the bay leaf and visualize it absorbing the issue.

When you are ready, toss the leaf into the water, symbolically and quite literally releasing your wish into the universe, and as you watch it slowly drift away, focus on the problem being carried away with it. Say the following:

"I release my problems.

They will plague me no more.

No longer will they have a place in my life.

Let them be washed away, like my wish,

As it is carried away upon the bay."



Added to on Apr 30, 2017
Last edited on Dec 04, 2019
Part of the The Air Element Library.


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Wonderful spell! I use this often.

Can it be done any body of water?

Nov 14, 2020

Nov 08, 2021
Could I flush the leaf down the toilet if I can't get to a body of water.

Nov 08, 2021

Once cast how long does it take work?

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