Get Thee Away from Me

SpellsTrick  ► Banishing  ► Get Thee Away from Me | Banishing-Protection
To banish a negative individual or dangerous entity from your life.

Casting Instructions for 'Get Thee Away from Me | Banishing-Protection'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • as many white candles as it takes to form a circle around yourself (maybe about 11 or 12, give or take).
  • one blue candle
  • one white ribbon
  • a pair of scissors
  • (note this should be a small picture, if manageable) a physical picture of the person (or drawing if it is an entity) (make sure the people/person you are casting the incantation upon is/are the ONLY one(s) in the picture).
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • as many white candles as it takes to form a circle around yourself (maybe about 11 or 12, give or take).
  • one blue candle
  • one white ribbon
  • a pair of scissors
  • (note this should be a small picture, if manageable) a physical picture of the person (or drawing if it is an entity) (make sure the people/person you are casting the incantation upon is/are the ONLY one(s) in the picture).

Please use this incantation for whichever means necessary. (meaning you may change 'him' to 'her, it, them,'etc.)

It is not never mandatory, as to each is on their own spiritual path but, open a circle or call the four corners. 

Find somewhere peaceful, where you will not be disturbed. 

Maintain a focused mindset. 

Sit down and prepare a circle of white candles around you, light them. 

Put the blue candle inside the circle where you are and place it in the front of you, in the center. Light it. 
Relax. Inhale and draw energy from the candle's magyck: the fire, the smoke, the protection. 

Now, take the picture or drawing of the person/entity and the white ribbon and start wrapping the white ribbon around the picture of the person/entity, slowly whilst saying the incantation. Like everything, say this incantation three times. 

Make sure to cover the entire picture/drawing fully with the white ribbon until nothing shows.

Once you have finished, cut the ribbon and tie it into the rest of the other ribbon. You either have the option to keep the tied up picture with you, somewhere hidden or to burn its remnants.

"Keep him away from me, 
aid me in light, 
keep him far from me, 
guide me to choose right.

If his intention be harmful, 
send him away, 
send him away from me, 
throughout the nights, 
and all my days. 
So mote it be."

The choice is also yours to whether or not you would like to remain in the circle of protection and meditate once the incantation is finished. Close the circle once you are done. Do proceed with caution. Ever mind the rule of three, for what you send forth will surely come back to thee. I am not a liability to anything that may happen to you or the opposing character. For dabblers of the true Craft should already heed the rede and law of three.

If you have any questions or concerns, you may leave me a message in Mail. 

Blessed be.



Added to on Oct 09, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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