Spirit Banishing Spell

SpellsTrick  ► Banishing  ► Spirit Banishing Spell
To cast away unwanted spirits.

Casting Instructions for 'Spirit Banishing Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • You can use 1 white candle but it is not necessary
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • You can use 1 white candle but it is not necessary

If you are you are using a candle light it then say:

"Evil spirit standing tall its time you made your greatest fall
return to hell thou evil plight, I banish with this holy light!
So go away and leave my sight
and take with you this endless night!"


If you are not then say:

"I am light I am one to strong to fight
return to dark where shadows dwell
be vanquished with this Wiccan spell!"


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Last edited on Apr 28, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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if I have many spirits around me, and only wanted to banish a certain one or few, would this spell randomly choose a spirit to target, or just banish them all? Asking so I don't get rid of my friends.

Mar 28, 2020
It specifies ''evil spirits'' so you should be fine. I would include a line about your friends being welcome in your home [if they have names, include them] I lived with many spirits growing up, whenever I cleansed, I would say ''all those who wish harm are not welcome in my home.'' It did the trick.

If you use a candle do you have to let it burn all the way until it goes out or do you blow it out when you are done

Sep 25, 2020
I would snuff out the candle, not blow it out [personal belief, not a rule. It's believed you're blowing away some of the energy when you blow out a candle] but depending on how large the candle is, and if I still feel the presence of the spirit, I would let it burn out [invest in small tea-light candles over large altar candles for this type of spell. Unless you plan to repeat it over several nights, you don't need a large candle]

I want to use this spell to help a friend of mine, will I have to change anything in the chant?

Mar 12, 2022
good question, spells can also be modified or fusioned, but the question is how and why it works? ,or the modification will weaken or strongen the original? but in this spell 'vanquished with this wiccan spell' so pagan,gypsy,hindi,other asian cannot use that? i don't think it should put a.. mark, or if anybody from different tradition create similar spell then it should be marked wiccan? i don't think so spell is for universal not attached for one thing, the source maybe from wiccan people, but i don't think its needed to place it, sorry, but please.

I loved it

If my spirit is not exactly evil, but just unwelcome, will it still work?

It can be this simple to remove negative energy and unwanted entities. However, this specific chant is flawed. First of all, nothing makes this a Wiccan spell specifically. Secondly, not all spirits are evil, wish you harm, or are from hell. Many witches do not even believe in a hell. Your average spirit is a human spirit and they are usually misunderstood. You cannot hear spirits, they get frustrated and knock something off the shelf. That gets your attention, so they try and communicate by making noise. You get scared and conclude they are evil. While I advocate talking with a spirit before turning to a spell, it is your space. You can light a white or black candle or incense, ring a bell, use herbs, blessed water, or a plethora of options and say a chant along the lines of ''this is my house, you are no longer welcome, please leave.'' And that will remove the majority of negative energy from your space. It is only the more powerful spirits and entities which require a stronger cleansing. I also suggest protecting your home against spirits entering if you do not want spirits in your home.

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