Remove a Pyschic Vampire

SpellsTrick  ► Banishing  ► Remove a Pyschic Vampire
This is basically a spell you use when you feel or know that you are having your life or energy drained away by a Psychic Vampire.

Casting Instructions for 'Remove a Pyschic Vampire'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Altar
  • 2 White Candles (To represent God and Goddess at the altar)
  • Your Favorite Incense
  • Sea Salt
  • Rose or Zodiac Oil(If you dont have any and cant get any anywhere, just get some olive oil and bless it)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Altar
  • 2 White Candles (To represent God and Goddess at the altar)
  • Your Favorite Incense
  • Sea Salt
  • Rose or Zodiac Oil(If you dont have any and cant get any anywhere, just get some olive oil and bless it)
What you need to do:
Your altar should have on the upper right hand a white candle representing the god and at the upper left side a white candle to represent the Goddess. In the middle there should be sea salt in a cup or cauldron with boiling warm water the incense should be at the very bottom facing towards you.

Take your oil and anoint each item on you altar. With the candles you want to start in the middle and rub up, and to go down start in the middle and rub down while anointing say these words:
''I ward off any and all negativity, in my home, work, school, and in my everyday life, No evil or negativity shall enter here.''

After you've anointed every item picture a white light around you when you feel like the white light is over powering picture the white light hovering over your home, work, school, when you feel ready say these words.....

''Psychic vampires who lurk in the night
psychic vampire who try to destroy my life,
destroy no more of what I have achieved,
destroy no more of what I have received,
negativity is not welcome
evil as well is not welcome
in me, around me, or around people I love.''

Say this out loud or to yourself but say it enough times so you feel it has worked. When you are done picture the white light around you and your home work school etc... and let the white candles and incense
burn until it goes out by itself.


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Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This may help, but there are a number of other options you can do like protection charms, energy work and shielding.

This would only work on unawakened psychic vampires once we control the mind of our guardian of the threshold and enter that plane long range feeding is possible and salt will not work on a being that is effectively a death god on that state of u death in the days of antiquity the theurgist priests would meet these being and rumours of undead blood suckers emerged alltho it is actually the black Lodgers at the time who took the curse of tiamat so they could use necromancy with out harm to there souls from the death current negative effects on the soul by eating so many energy's we can digest it and become stronger

Psychic vampires beware: many pagans can sense your presence. And they know how to make you uncomfortable- at rightfully so. But still, a guys gotta eat.

Oct 28, 2020
Psi vampires drain energy, they can learn to control this. They don't need energy to survive. They eat food and water like any human, they aren't ''eating'' their victims.

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