Disperse Negative Emotion

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SpellsTrick  ► Banishing  ► Disperse Negative Emotion
Here is a simple technique for dealing with negative energies such as anger and resentment. It uses the Elements and their qualities in a very positive way. The circle of light links with spirit, the dark stone represents Earth and the water acts in its cleansing capacity.

Casting Instructions for 'Disperse Negative Emotion'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A dark stone
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A dark stone

Visualize a circle of light around yourself. Hold the dark stone in your hands. Place it over your solar plexus. Allow the negative emotion, perhaps anger -and resentment, to flow into the stone. Try to decide what colour the emotion is, and how it arose in the first place. It sometimeshelps to counteract such an emotion bychanging its colour.

Raise the stone first to your forehead to signify clarity. Next, place it over your heart(this helps to raise the healing vibration to thecorrect level). If it seems right, use words such as:

"With this stone
Negative be gone,
Let water cleanse it
Back where it belongs".

This reinforces the idea of the stone holding your anger. Concentrate and project all your negative emotion (anger, resentment etc) into thestone. Visualize the emotion being sealed inside the stone. Take the stone to a source of running water in -the open air and with all your energy throw it as far as you can. It also helps if you can get up to a high place to throw your stone away, since this way you -are using Air as well.



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Last edited on Sep 22, 2016
Part of the The Immortal's Keep Library.


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This should work. I would research the crystal, unless this is simply you find a rock on the ground. But, I would still consider using a crystal with cleansing or healing properties. If you choose to use water to cleanse it, make sure the crystal will not be damaged by the water. You can also use sunlight and moonlight to cleanse your crystals, but again, make sure they will not be damaged.

Sep 30, 2023
I would like to add, do not expect to never feel these ''negative'' emotions again, or that a single attempt will end the negative cycle you wish to break. This would require regular workings. It also does not mean you will never feel these emotions. It is utilizing your chakra and the crystal to help you heal. There are no negative emotions, just how society perceives them and how you react to them. This spell should help you work through these blocks and find healthy outlets for them.

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