To Banish your Debts

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SpellsWealth  ► Fortune  ► To Banish your Debts
This particular spell uses candle and incense magic and, if you wish, the art of magical writing. You could choose incense or oil for purification or protection, whichever seems right for you. It is suggested that you perform this at the time of the Waning Moon as this can be used to help take away the difficulty.

Casting Instructions for 'To Banish your Debts'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Incense of your choice
  • Purple candle
  • Oil of your choice
  • Rolled parchment or paper, 6cms wide and as
  • long as you like
  • Black pen or pen with magical black ink
  • A pin or your burin
  • Unbreakable candle holder
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Incense of your choice
  • Purple candle
  • Oil of your choice
  • Rolled parchment or paper, 6cms wide and as
  • long as you like
  • Black pen or pen with magical black ink
  • A pin or your burin
  • Unbreakable candle holder

Light the incense and dress the candle with the oil. List all your debts on the parchment. Draw a banishing pentagram on the back of the parchment.This is drawn lower left point to top to lower right to top left to top right and back to lower left.

Carve another banishing pentagram with the pin or burin on the candle. Place the rolled parchment in the candle holder then tighten the candle on top. Do this carefully since your candle will eventually set the paper alight.

Concentrate on banishing your debts. Visualize your happiness and relief when the debts are banished. Light the candle. Take the candle to the East and ask that the Spirit of Air acknowledges your intention to be debt free.

Replace the candle in the holder, making sure it is safe to burn out where it stands. In your own words, ask for the debts to be banished and replaced with prosperity. Allow the candle to burn out completely, but as it comes to the end make sure that you are present. The paper will catch fire and flare up, so it must be properly attended to.

As you do this, be aware of the lifting of the burden of debt. You should not expect your debts to simply disappear, but the wherewithal to clear them should come your way quite quickly. This might be, for instance, in the form of an unexpected gift or the opportunity for some extra work. Once your debts are cleared you are honour-bound not to create the same problems again..


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Last edited on Mar 09, 2019
Part of the The Immortal's Keep Library.


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This spell worked for me thank you!

This appears to be a working spell. I wish there were more specifics. Yes, incense and oil are optional ingredients, but specifying which ones would work best would be useful. Be sure as you imagine your debt going away, you focus on how you will feel in a debt free life. I would also cast a money spell during the waxing moon to aid this spell by increase your finances. Granted, this could result in you working a lot and burning out, so be specific if you choose to double up the spell. I would suggest a money charm to attract funds and not overwork yourself.

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