Simple Sun

SpellsWeather  ► Fire  ► Simple Sun
To make the sun appear on a dull day.

Casting Instructions for 'Simple Sun'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Pen and paper
  • Cauldron or flame-proof pot
  • Candle(any type)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Pen and paper
  • Cauldron or flame-proof pot
  • Candle(any type)

Go out into the garden and write the following:

"God and goddess of sun and light,
Make tomorrow nice and bright,
Ggive me no wind that I have to fight
But instead a sunny day for a beautiful sight" 

Place your candle in the cauldron and light it, then fold the paper with the spell on it and pass it through the flame of the canndle until it caught fire and drop it into the cauldron/pot. Once the paper stopped burning concentrate once you see blue sky the spell is then complete.


Added to on Mar 06, 2013
Last edited on Feb 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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I would add to this. Unless you are gifted in weather Magik, this is too simplistic to work. The chant is a little off in my opinion. I would call on a specific deity associated with solar energy. If you do not work with that deity, be sure to include an offering. Take time to charge energy, imagine the perfect weather, and set your intention before preforming the spell. Be sure to repeat the chant as that is what builds the energy you will release when you burn the paper. If you just write the chant, I would read it over a few times.

You need a lot of energy for weather magik as you are influencing the weather around you physically. Thus, having many people for weather spells is good. you can also invoke a deity (here in case for a specific weather like rainy,windy,etc)

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