Create Fire Wolf

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SpellsWeather  ► Fire  ► Create Fire Wolf
This has not yet been tested only made it up now and had just tried.

Casting Instructions for 'Create Fire Wolf'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A pen/pencil
  • Coloring pencils
  • A box
  • A key
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A pen/pencil
  • Coloring pencils
  • A box
  • A key

Get a box and place both hands on it a say this (latin): "audi nunc orationem meam ego autem te ignis est pulvinar ut lupus continere ignis" x3 then say "O ignis lupus amicum optimum futurum, respicit. et eritis mihi in filium: et suscitabo tibi periculum prohibere" x2

Draw a pentacle on paper or print one the on another piece of paper write things like name, age, breed, gender, flame (etc) then draw your wolf and color it in. Get a key and hold it in your hand saying "vita habeo clavem amet sit amet mi vitae lupus ignis" x2

Place the box outside where you like to be (backgarden etc). Keep the key with you at all times until the 3rd day and you still haven't found them then place your key infront of your box so it can find you. If it doesent come until the 6th day then you may not bileve or your just not ready for it yet but keep trying your wolf will come when its ready.


Added to on May 26, 2014
Last edited on Jun 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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If you are creating a sort of tulpa being, it could work, but you cannot create a physical fire wolf.

What is a firewolf

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