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SpellsWeather  ► Fire  ► Inferno/FireTechnique
This is an Inferno technique I created for people who are starting to work with fire.

Casting Instructions for 'Inferno/FireTechnique'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Fire
  • A black or red pen
  • Paper
  • Chalk
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Fire
  • A black or red pen
  • Paper
  • Chalk

"Scorching flame, shining light" start to feel as if your blood is boiling and try to flow your intentions into the fire, "one sun, I summon un fuego"

For those who want to utilize extras to power your spell draw a star such as the sun which can be represented with a circle (or whatever to you think will grab your attention as a star). The more stars and larger the better you can add one on you arm, on the cement with chalk and sit on it or them, or a piece of paper


Added to on Feb 19, 2015
Last edited on Aug 05, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You cannot control the element of fire with Real Magik. This is reality, not Avatar The Last Airbender.

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