Obtain Love From A Specific Person

SpellsWeather  ► Fire  ► Obtain Love From A Specific Person
This is the first of a series of fie magick spells of which I will be post to this page.Fire Magick has been around for centuries. Here exposed to you isnthe art o?f magick and fire! Fire magick can be used for both black and white magic, but don't get burned.

Casting Instructions for 'Obtain Love From A Specific Person'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Small fire
  • Caudron or something similar to contain the fire
  • 1 piece of paper 3 inches by 3 inches
  • Something red to color the paper (pencil,crayon,etc.)
  • 1 pen or pencil
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Small fire
  • Caudron or something similar to contain the fire
  • 1 piece of paper 3 inches by 3 inches
  • Something red to color the paper (pencil,crayon,etc.)
  • 1 pen or pencil

During a full or new moon, light a fire in the cauldron, take the piece of paper and color a red heart onto it, then write the name of the person whom you desire on the heart. While doing all of this, think of the person being attracted to you and not being able to resist you! Think of his or her heart burning with desire for you just like the flames of the fire. Then kiss the name on the heart three times. Place the paper on the fire while saying these words three times. Do so with the utmost sincerity.

"Fire come from below,
Bring me love that I do know,
Make my heart blaze and shine,
To bring me love that will be mine!
Soon my love will come a day,
Three times strong and here to stay!
So mote it be."

Stay and meditate on the spell you just did, seeing it come true. After you are finished concentrating for a few minutes, extinguish the fire, soon your love will come to you.


Added to on May 14, 2015
Last edited on Dec 30, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This appears to be a working spell. I would do a few edits, mainly the description for spelling and the fact Magik is intention, not colour. They are correct that fire Magik is an ancient form that can be used for anything. The chant is okay, I would include the persons name in the chant to direct the energy toward them specifically. If you do not have someone in mind, this spell would still work. The only thing you would change is instead of writing the persons name in the heart. I would go with either a description of what you want in a relationship, soulmate/true love, or just colour the heart in. Overall, good spell. Take your time casting, be patient, and observant. Spells take time to manifest, especially love spells. Get to know the person, do not assume they are instantly in love with you. They might already have feelings for you and the spell would amplify those feelings. Getting to know them increases the likelihood of the spell working.

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