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In Crystal Healing and Magic Clear Quartz Crystal is known to be a cleansing tool and said to clear impurities and psychic debris from the energy field that permeates the human body. It can realign and refocus the body, mind, and spirit toward clear goals and increase power of concentration, and focus, amplifying whatever thoughts have been programmed into it.Dowsing is a way of obtaining yes and no answers beyond the conscious mind, by using an instrument or tool that interacts with your own energy and the universe. A dowsing pendulum may be made with any heavy object evenly balanced on a chain or cord. Clear quartz is best for obtaining clear answers. The pendulum should be of all natural substances and no synthetics. If metal is used copper as a conductor is desirable. The pendulum is held outright in the dominant hand while it dangles and hovers just over the palm of the other hand without touching it. With practice one may feel a pull of energy towards or from the palm with the pendulum as if there is a magnetic energy source between your palm and the crystal or even an outward pull source. One may think or speak "Please show me yes," waiting for some response movement from the pendulum and only then proceeding to do the same using "Please show me no". Many people in response get a clockwise circle movement from the pendulum for yes," and a straight right-to-left line for no, but there are many variations for yes and no response in the defined movements used in dowsing. Some say to test the responses by saying a truthful statement and then a false yes or no statement, such as your name and then a false name to be sure there is a defined movement of the crystal pendulum for the yes or positive response and a different defined movement for the no or negative response to the inquiries. It is usually OK to continue at that point and seek the response to what you wish to know. Dowsing Crystals also available at
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