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A rock casting tarot reading is based on an individuals perception and the interpretation of a specific number of stones(five is good) with their positions on a grid(pentagram is best) in the order that they are inadvertently chosen from a group(22), and in relation to the arcana*. *the profound secret; the natural way of the world. Instructions for Divining with A Stone Tarot Gemstone Set: As with most divination tools a stone tarot is best used while visualizing a specific question or specific area where help is needed. That is in order to obtain a clearer answer. More than one casting of stones may be done on one question or issue in order to obtain better answers. A stone tarot may be cast and read best by laying five stones in order, as they are pulled out of a bag, onto each point of a drawn out pentagram grid starting at the first upper right point and finishing at the top point. The stones are chosen from 22 specific natural rock and crystal gemstones that relate to the major arcana(like that of the most popular card tarot decks). Some of the name symbolism of the stones differ from the card tarot(some examples below), however the meanings are similar to that of the card tarot decks. You may see more specific information through the link at the item listing for gemstone tarot castings. Example: The crystal point symbolizes The Shaman or Magician which represents magical attainment while turquoise in this set symbolizes the Goddess or Empress which represents receptive energy, fertility, abundance etc. Here the fool is represented by the blue lace agate which if chosen may indicate that the stone caster or one choosing the stones may be light headed and naive, not usually sad just oblivious to a current lack of achievements and in a child like state. See the below list for more of the natural gemstones relational meanings. The person who's reading is being done is the person who chooses the stones from the bag. Once the stones are placed on each point of the pentagram then they are read in order: one through five. As with rune stone casting and tarot cards, the reading is based on the type of stone and its positioning in connection with the stones nearest to it. You may find some stone casting and tarot reading instructions by searching online. The person pulling the stones from the bag should not be too familiar with the stones and what each represents simply because an answer may then be manipulated. The stones are chosen from a bag to keep their identity secret until the reading is underway. POSITIONAL MEANINGS: The 1st stone on the upper right point represents the emotions involved in the problem including other peoples. The 2nd stone on the lower right point represents the stone choosers conflict, binding, illusions(aware of or not), and obstacles. The 3rd stone on the lower left side represents the cause and foundation of a problem, the basis for it, and forces behind it. The 4th stone on the upper left point represents the current point of view on the subject at hand which may aid or obstruct from solving the issue. The 5th stone on the top point represents the final outcome to be. There are many ways to read stones by castings. The 5 position grid from a set of 22 seems to make the most sense as representative of elemental magic; it uses the natural order and a grid representing the five elements.
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