Snow Spell..

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Snow Spell..
Post # 1
With the blast of cold air I decided to cast a snow spell and did so without was me visualizing snow (which I did somewhat poorly of) and chanting something...I didn't know about devastating effects until I went back and searched the anything going to happen to me? Is there anyway to do a simple reversal (I have like zero materials)? Please help me! I'm very new to this Wicca stuff!
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Re: Snow Spell..
Post # 2
Nothing will happen to you. It was most likely a coincidence, and the snow had nothing to do with you.
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Re: Snow Spell..
Post # 3
Yeah. Chant for sunshine. And visualize the sun coming out and heating everything up. Concentrate on how that will look and feel. There is a chant i got from this site that is actualy a childhood song but i have used it effectively many times over the years while doing what i posted above. Do you know the song "you are my sunshine" ? By the way. I hope none of you will consider this fluff. Its kind of like blowing out birthday candles. One of the older and more traditional basic magic. Like i said in my previous posts it only works out of neccessity and there is definately a need as i can see on the news that people are dying from being outside for more than 5 min. And ive only used it on rain and clouds but i think its worth trying. I actualy had a vision this was going to happen before christmas. I told my husband that it felt like the day after tomorrow. But its warm here in washington. ~blessed be~
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Re: Snow Spell..
Post # 4

As the person above me stated it was probably just a coincidence, if you really want to get into spell casting then learn the basics before you cast, and If you don't know what you're doing then you probably shouldn't be doing it. You can study the basics here-there are a few articles and groups that you can join that can help you. Also be wary of the spells that you come across as not all of them are real.

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Re: Snow Spell..
Post # 5
It didn't actually snow...I just cast the spell and nothing happened...i was just worried about any negative effects..
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Re: Snow Spell..
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 6

If I might point out here as a bit of clarification, creating spells to make it snow has nothing whatsoever to do with Wicca. Casting spells is simply magic, nothing more. Wicca on the other hand is a very specific religion with very specific beliefs and practices. While Wiccans do use magic, spellcraft is but a very tiny part of what Wiccans do, and many Wiccans don't use spells at all.

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Re: Snow Spell..
Post # 7
I completely agree with Lark.
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Re: Snow Spell..
By: / Novice
Post # 8
you caused this storm? *shakes fist* [i'm kidding]

Lark makes a point, Wicca has a different view of spell casting. since your new, it's no big deal, but you should of followed the Wiccan Rede [let this be a lesson for you, whether the storm is your fault or not] As it Harm None, this is bigger than you might think. on the surface, you might of thought 'a little snow for everyone to play in' you should of thought deeper. weather magick is a debated topic, some feel it's possible, others don't. think of it like this; casting weather magick doesn't make snow appear, it moves the clouds over you. you're moving whole weather patterns into your area, meaning your weather went somewhere else. this effect the whole world, you might get a light dusting, but the next town got a mini blizzard, and the one after that freezing rain. you need to think large scale before casting, especially if you're Wiccan as the Rede warns you not to hurt other living things. [physically or otherwise]
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