Feeling lost

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Re: Feeling lost
By: / Novice
Post # 11
Im glad youre still posting.

Now look here, im not saying this is what happened but....

A lot of "psychics" will tell you stuff like; you have a curse or a bad spirit or negative XYZ and then they want you to pay them money to remove it...now im not saying this IS what happened...but is it possible?

some people will try to hurt you in the most crafty devious way just to make a buck.

I think if you are posting on this website and looking for guidance to help you develop spiritually well, then thats a really GOOD thing you got going on...

It means you want to change your life for the better and are willing to do stuff and try new things so you can be happy

so in that sense, keep poking around and be really hopeful because all on your own youre doing stuff for you to be happier and more fulfilled

I can say with 100% honesty, getting into magick and stuff is something that has made my quality of life so much better. i feel more at peace and really good things keep coming my way for no other reason than i feel like ive found a way to tell the universe what i want/need and it will respond

you can find that too.

Make you a deal...you keep posting on this thread or pm if you want and people here will keep encouraging you.

the sense i get is that maybe youve had enough bad stuff go on for you and NOW youre ready to try something new!! Something better for you!

How could that not make the world a better place??

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Re: Feeling lost
Post # 12
Thank you Thor. I'll keep posting my results as I go along a new journey in life. And maybe yall right about physics, although I do believe in this negative energy around me. I will try to banish, but where else do I find help?
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Re: Feeling lost
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 13
I would suggest that you seek a way to heal yourself. If you were truly told that from the day you were born you were surrounded by negative energy, I would personally interpret that as a sign that you are in this life to fix something. Walking a path of a healer is also walking the path of healing within oneself first and facing ones own "inner demons" and defeating them. Then taking the strength and wisdom earned from that and using it help others.
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Re: Feeling lost
Post # 14
I have a feeling your right, but today I feel like is not a good day. Woke up in bit of a fog, feeling angry already and I know it's about to be a bad day. If I'm suppose to help others it's not going to be today. I'm mad as hell and don't why..
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Re: Feeling lost
By: / Novice
Post # 15
its ok to be mad

but keep up with your ideal of what you want for your self...make your intention for yourself be positive ...for you

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Re: Feeling lost
Post # 16
I'm sorry I Failed. The negative energy wins. I Can't suffer no more.
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