calling all spell casters

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Re: calling all spell casters
Post # 4

Well if your new then you should have know caps are not allowed in the chat. You AGREED to the Rules you should follow them. They are part of the chat/site.

And plus never mess with peoples free will no matter the cause was, but if you where cursed there she be a reverse spell to help break this curse, ask about in the chat, but also asked with honesty, and not role play and no caps.

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Re: calling all spell casters
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 5
Writing in Capital letters looks like shouting!
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Re: calling all spell casters
Post # 6
Obsession and binding spells, in my opinion, are not something that should be attempted, no matter what your intentions. You can't actually change how a person feels about another, just bring certain thoughts to the front of their mind. You can't get everything you want from magic, it just helps sometimes. If you were to try to make your kid's father and his ex hate each other, they would have to already hate each other or they will just get back together afterwards (even if the spell performed as you expected). I highly doubt that you are cursed. Curses are incredibly rare and virtually nothing like they are in stories (I think). If your life is going a certain way, it's because of your thoughts, not somebody's hatred of a child.
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Re: calling all spell casters
By: / Novice
Post # 7
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from Spell Suggestions.
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Re: calling all spell casters
By: / Beginner
Post # 8
Why do you want your ex and his girlfriend to hate each other? Do you want him to come back to you? Because if he left in the first place there was obviously something wrong with your relationship and I wouldn't advise making him come back to you. Anyway, it would be much appreciated if I could have a reason for these spells being cast, although it is none of my business anyway. Just take a deep breath, clear your head, and think of a thoroughly non-magical way to fix your problems, no offense.
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Re: calling all spell casters
Post # 9
This lady needs help,she needs one of us.wait a minute does that mean that there are no dark art practioner in this site?...everyone seems to be cool just like me:)
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Re: calling all spell casters
By: / Beginner
Post # 10
grrr they removed my post and it was really good
as i said befor dont mess with free will or it will get you where it hurts , sounds like you have truth issues or if he loves you soo much he would not go with his ex ....think about that and mail me and ill see what i can do about that curse
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Re: calling all spell casters
By: / Adept
Post # 11
No one is going to do really effective spellwork for you without money, honestly. Aand i would seriously question anyone who would offer to do this work without some sort of compensation. I say this because doing spells for clients is a job, just like anything else, and people need to make a living.

Your situation sounds complex. I would expect to pay hundreds, perhaps thousands, of dollars for this kind of job. It will take weeks and many supplies to perform this work, at least in the system that i am trained in, which equates to lots of money. The problem is that 99% of people who advertise their services online are fraudulent, and a beginner will have a hard time distinguishing the frauds from the real workers. Authentic practitioners often don't advertise online, and the ones that do have long waiting lists and are very choosey, in my experience.

So... you should do your own work. Research it online. Many have gone before you and paved the way.

If you think you've been cursed, Google "Uncrossing." I have spells and recipes for cleansing baths and the like on my website (look on my profile page for a link).

For the obsession spell, Google "Intranquil Spirit." That should do.

For a break-up spell, Google "Lemon Break-Up Curse." There are other good break-up spells out there as well.

You can check the free database of spells on the Lucky Mojo Curio Company page (Google it), and there might be some good spells on this site.

This is complex work. Don't expect results from a simple chant done once or twice. This is on-going, weeks' or months' worth of daily work. You don't need to be a master spell-caster, or any such foolishness, to be effective. People have been cursing each other and lifting curses since the beginning of time. Good luck!
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Re: calling all spell casters
Post # 12
If you ask me you should really think about why you really NEED all of this. If your expecting magic to fix all of your problems that just simply isn't going to happen. Some of this your going to have to fix yourself. Not to mention if your doing it all for personal gain instead of for a valid reason the law of threefold return might not give you wanted results in the future.
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Re: calling all spell casters
Post # 13
i got your spells and abilities. message me
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