Anyone use this

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Anyone use this
Post # 1
Has anyone used this spell and has it worked out?

guys turning into girls:
a pink candle
womens close
a wig
girls turning into guys:
a blue candle
mens close
a voice

This spell is part of the Coven of
Spell Casters
Spell Casters has the following books available:
1) Spell Casters Spellbook
2) Spell Casters Rituals

This spell was added by: aung_shadow

* All information on this page is provided by the coven and the contents of this page is not mediated by the administrators of the website. Please use common sense when following any directions on this page. Do not injest anything which does not seem safe. If you suspect the content of this page to be intentionally deceiving please contact us immediately.

gender spell
changer your gender in flash

Guys turning into girls:
first rub the powder on your skin till your skin becomes silky soft then but on the clothes and wig last light the candle

and chant these words
I wish to be free
I wish to be what I want to be
give me long hair
give beauty give me grace
allow me to loose what I don't want
and gain the stuff womans got
give a voice like a baby bird
make it beautiful like nothing thats ever been hird

but be sure to to see in your mind what you want to look like

Girls tuning into guys:
yours is easy but on the clothes and light the candle and chant

I wish to be free
I wish to be what I want to be
give short hair
give me a body with muscles that are fair
give me a handsome face
and let go of my women like grace
let me loose what I don't want
and gain the stuff mens got
deepen my voice
and give me strenght
give me hair in a special place

You must see your body you want in your mind

warning: this spell can't be used more then once so choose if you really want thins
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Re: Anyone use this
Post # 2
O_O I have not try it yet...but I should do it in third person....^_^ I should do grey magick, but no I have not....why? You want to try it? if so, you should do so...tell me what happens ok....
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Re: Anyone use this
Post # 3
look at the spell too: it can only be used ONCE. pick your time very carefully.
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Re: Anyone use this
Post # 4
one time only, so is like "one" change only (male-to-female) or vice-versa once (male-to-female-to-male)? Sorry for bringing an old topic up ...
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Re: Anyone use this
Post # 5
It is all good.. I wonder.. *_* probably will change little of the person.. and not entirely...
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Re: Anyone use this
Post # 6
"It is all good" ? Sorry I don't understand what you meant ... and also an advance apology for me being too picky/nosy (= =")
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Re: Anyone use this
Post # 7
Oh, and did anyone use it and work too? Plus is it reversible?
Sorry again (bows head)
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Re: Anyone use this
Post # 8
last nite i tried the girls turning into guys, but i have weak powers so i failed. ill ask a pro if i need something to strengthen my spell and power.
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