Magical Herbal Baths of Santeria

Magical Herbal Baths of Santeria

Magical Herbal Baths of Santeria

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WEIGHT: 0.3 lbs
AUTHOR: Carlos Montenegro


One of the reasons that Santeria has become so popular is due to the use of natural remedies and herbal medicines prepared by the Santero Priests. By combining elements of spirituality with that of nature, a Santero Priest can accomplish great success with even the most difficult case. Spiritual herbal baths are widely used in the Santeria religion. Although all of the ingredients are natural, when combined with powerful supernatural magic, these herbal baths can produce incredible results. Spiritual baths have been used for hundreds of years to heal sickness and for supernatural power. The Montenegro Family has been practicing Santeria for over 200 years. This book explores the mysteries and techniques of preparing herbal baths used in traditional Santeria. The book contains lists of herbs, oils, powders, rituals and other magical ingredients used by Santeros for hundreds of years. The book contains formulas for preparing Orisha baths, love baths, money baths, cleansing baths, sweet baths and also baths used in Palo Mayombe and traditional Mexican witchcraft.

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