BEFRIEND A BIMBO hetero only

SpellsLove  ► Friendship  ► BEFRIEND A BIMBO hetero only
it marries you to a bimbo who is cool and loaded

Casting Instructions for 'BEFRIEND A BIMBO hetero only'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • nothing
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • nothing


"STUPIDER LYCAN" then BUT SAY IT WRONG "stupiud lergeb' then say "ACTIVATE" 

that's it, DETAILS:

here is example "say wrong word altogether, too, like "television." if sincere about magick it works liek good skater not criminal. if you forget the word "stupider lycan" use anything close and it will pick it up, like "wall persons imaginations,"  just cant hurt the bimbos they are surfers/skaters that are cool.

each time you say it it marries you to another bimbo trillionaire model. this is actually a friendship spell, though, but just keep them close in your house all the time, if they wanna marry then just take it. 


Each time something goes wrong it marries you to another bimbo, but they are both/all cool with it. to work better just keep hooking me up with bimbos and immortality ressurection if i die cause im a love with and needs this as long as you didnt hurt me what not, and keep hooking me up, if not allowed, then nope, but does way way way work better and do it at midnight at full moon in forest. 

its more of a friendship spell, once married keeps giving you more bimbos that are cool, but hook me up casue you were rich at birth now casue of me. i rote it.   

its a rainforest spell from mexico but keep mexico protected and works better, also its from mexico but dont push it, cause got out of hand half the nation is dead, so we put this cause we used this and we are in the wrong countries cause married a void, but dont dont go overboard. no harming too! dont hurt them though or turns spell off. 


Added to on Jun 20, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This is a fake spell. Also do not understand what this means.

No. I am fairy certain this is another of jorgeperez's accounts and he is just a troll.

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