Believe my Lies

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SpellsLove  ► Truth  ► Believe my Lies
In case if you need to lie to someone.

Casting Instructions for 'Believe my Lies'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • -none
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • -none
If you are lying to a specific person, concentrate on them. If not then just imagine people believing you and nodding while you talk. Say:

I am going to lie,
For reasons you not why.
You shall believe the lies I tell,
Believe my lies, believe them well.
You shall be fooled by my words,
My lies passing over your head like birds.
This is my intent,
For everyone to believe me without argument.
So Mote it Be!!


Added to on Oct 16, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Any time limit as to when this wears off?

Mar 28, 2023


Would be funny to say this right to the person's face. Unsure it works to begin with but that being said seems messed up to use a spell to lie to someone unless it needs to be done because some crazy stuff like your loved ones will die or something absurd like that. But either way I think the whole Rule of 3 thing would be in affect here, gunna get back what ya put out.

Nov 13, 2019
I did say the spell to their face and they still believed me

Won't work? If it does this is so funny!

Wow! It worked! Any time limit though?

Aug 02, 2021
I hope it doesn’t

It worked well

omg it worked!!!

Feb 23, 2020
did you just say it to there face then tell them your lie and they believed you?

Apr 18, 2020
me and my friend were testing to see if the spell work so we looked at the person straight in the eyes far away but still enough to see them then we asked them to ask us something then we lied about having at least three boyfriends and the believed us. we laughed and we tried to different people then we tried it to ourselves. it works!!

If you have concentration and saying this to your friends face or just whisper it they wont even know Why? if you stare them into there eyes you need a lot of energy and focused and they will never know what ur saying they will still believe ur lie

My parents believe. EVERY THING I SAY

how long does it last

add comment...... It works

For those who are wondering, no, I don't think that the Three-fold law comes into place here. I personally think that there are three types of spells. Positive spells, negative spells, and neutral spells. Neutral spells don't really harm someone, but they don't usually help someone else. So, no, I don't think the Three-fold law will harm you here, since you're sending out neutral energy. So that energy will come back, and it won't harm or help you. Thanks for reading, bye!

Mar 01, 2021
Ok. I'm sorry if I hurt anyone's beliefs. Posted this when I was young and new to this world (still am, but learning). Sorry if I offended you

Mar 01, 2021
You're just stating your belief, it shouldn't offend anyone. There are those who will demand you follow the Three-Fold Law, no questions asked, but I feel they're forcing their belief and you can't really help it if those who are that devoted to their belief get upset. As for the Three-Fold Law and this spell, the Three-Fold Law is a Wiccan principle and not affiliated with any other Pagan path or witchcraft [it's like saying ''God will send you to hell'' to a Buddhist. They don't believe in hell, so it means nothing] You are manipulating someone, which would be seen as negative. You need to ask yourself if you're comfortable living with this deception because, in a strange workaround, it could become a positive [say it's a surprise party you don't want them to find out about] in which case, the energy used would have a slightly positive charge. I agree with your view on the three types of spell workings, as some spells require more positive or negative to cast, while others fall into this middle ground of both and the energy seems to cancel each other out. It comes down to personal ethics that can bring more positive or negative over time. Returning to Three-Fold Law, while I don't follow it, I don't believe it's really bad karma, but the energy affecting your mind, body, and spirit. You'll have a guilty conscience, you're body will be tense and your spiritual energy will be low. If you're fine trying to deceive someone, then cast it, but don't be surprised if you feel bad.

I think this worked

I feel the chant is a little off, but you could enchant someone to believe you. I would start with something small and work your way up.

It works great

This spell always works whenever i use it..great spell

It worked. I said a big lie, and they still believed me!

Wait. Could you make a sigil with something like this and put it in a necklace?! If so, I am so adding this to the charm necklace I wear almost everyday.

Would it work if I focused on a photo of them

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