Cat Familiar

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SpellsSpiritual  ► Binding  ► Cat Familiar
This spell will let you have a cat familiar, it important to know that this means only you can see and touch the cat.

Casting Instructions for 'Cat Familiar'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 2 Pieces of white paper
  • 1 Black ink pen
  • 1 Pencil
  • Coloring supplies
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 2 Pieces of white paper
  • 1 Black ink pen
  • 1 Pencil
  • Coloring supplies

First get a piece of paper and draw your cat with a pencil, however you want it to make.
Next color in your cat with your crayons or colored pencils.
Then, on the other paper write your cats info. it must include:

  • Name
  • Breed ( List every breed if crossbreed)
  • Fur Color
  • eye color
  • tail length
  • weight
  • height
  • Personality
  • Gender

Do this info in black ink.You can add other things after that too if you want.
Then, put the papers on top of each other.
Fold them hamburger style once
Then hamburger style again
Then draw a pentagram in BLACK ink.
Then Hot Dog style
Then say this with it to your chest "O (name of your god/goddess), I call upon thee,
Bless me with this familiar cat bound to me."
For god/ goddess I think it should be Bast, she is the cat goddess.
Do that spell for then nest while holding it to your chest and then slip it under you pillow and rest.
After you have finished, you need to give your deity time to create your cat. The average wait time is about a week, but if your chosen cat is very intricate, you may be required to wait longer. Also, you'll be able to use telepathy with your cat the day after you finish as the spirit of your cat already exists, but your deity will need a little longer to make the cat's new body.

After three days, you must begin looking for your cat. This is the hardest part as your cat will be a kitten and just like a lost pet kitten, they are hard to find. Just look for the same cat you drew earlier but as a kitten and way more realistic. Use telepathy to call your cat to you. If you don't find your cat by the next week, it will eventually find you.

This familiar will already know how to protect you and other people. Your cat will never betray you, and even when you think you don't want him or her anymore, he or she will be very sad but still by your side. Remember, train your familiar well in the ways of your path, and he or she can benefit others. Only you can see it, so keep your cat a secret.


Added to on Feb 07, 2016
Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Does the art have to be good for this to work? And do you have to draw it? Can someone else? And do you feed and water your cat?

May 16, 2021
I don't think it matters

May 13, 2023
No don’t water your cat it is not a plant

do you have to feed it like a real cat

Jan 16, 2020
no, you do not

Jan 16, 2020
if your familiar is a spiritual being. if a physical cat comes to your door, please feed it. spiritual beings feed off spiritual energy [that's what offerings are for] but living creatures require food.

Does this work? I have the supplies but I don't want to do it if it will not work.

It has been a day and I have been unable to use telepathy to communicate with the cat you said this would summon. I followed the directions exactly. Why is it not working?

Apr 23, 2020
AlexandriaDe, it takes some time for this to actually work. I hope that by now that you have seen the cat.

I did it then I realized that I have school and get home late, I might not have time to look for it on the third day. Will it still come to me?

I finally find something that I can use my art skills for lol.

I specialise in black magic

Apr 27, 2020
I doubt this is black magick, I could be wrong though. I should be correct because I do black magick my self.. it kinda feels more like moon or white magick.

May 02, 2020
I agree

Oct 06, 2024
magick isn't divided by color its just magick

my profile image is my familiar

can someone else draw it?

Dec 31, 2020

Jan 02, 2021
It's better if you draw it because you're putting your energy into the artwork, but if you want to make a collage of photos or simply print off a photo you can [just hold it and charge it with energy]

Can somebody help me? I'm not very good at magick and I'm not sure how to do it. How do I communicate telepathically to my cat whilst trying to find it?

Dose one need an offering? if then what

Jun 16, 2021
Also What dose it mean by rest?

Jun 16, 2021
If you are calling on a deity, it's wise to leave an offering [exactly what depends on the deity. I wouldn't call on a deity you haven't met. It's like walking up to a stranger and demanding they help you] If you mean for the cat familiar, if this spell works, it's summoning a cat. Familiars historically were believed to be evil spirits that took an animal to aid the witch in their evil bidding. In reality, familiars are regular pets you form a strong bond with. Feed your cat with high-quality food. [whatever you can afford] As for ''rest'' I think it means go to sleep.

how do you take care of a cat familiar

Sep 17, 2021
If you're summoning a physical cat, you take care of it like you would a cat. Since you intend to make it your familiar, research the best diet for the cat and feed them that [or the closest thing in your budget] research cat behaviour to better understand your cat. You will need to put in the effort to bond with your cat, so observe when it's play time and when it's rest so you aren't forcing it to help in rituals when it doesn't. Finally, see how your cat responds to energy because that's the clearest indicator of whether or not it's a familiar or simply a cat. Familiar animals can sense magickal energy and spiritual creatures. My cat is observant of spirits, and while he can tell where the circle is, he doesn't care, so he has to be placed in another room when I cast because he's a hindrance.


Oct 15, 2021
congratulations [be careful with all caps because excessive use is against site rules]

Is it possible to bind a familiar to you

May 13, 2023
Yes, familiars are bound to you. Historically, these were demons which took animal form to spy on people for a witch. Today, many people think familiars are pets when they're spirits. However, if you're summoning an animal to act like your familiar, or train a pet to be your familiar, that's possible. Animals can sense magick and familiars share a spiritual bond with the witch. This bond is why [as cool as owning a familiar might sound] I'd advise thinking about it before casting. When your familiar dies, you will feel an intense loss that you will nurse far longer than a pet because you can sense each other's energy and share a spiritual connection.

Will others be able to see the cat familiar?

May 09, 2023
It says on the spell ''only you can see it and touch it''.

May 10, 2023
If this is simply a real cat that's been manifested into your life through the spell, then yes others will be able to see and touch it. If it's a spiritual being, I'm not sure. That probably depends on the wishes of the spirit. How someone can physically touch a spirit since they're not physical though I don't know. My guess is that it's a form of energy sensing and you're not actually touching anything.

Can I use felts instead of colouring pencils?

May 13, 2023

I notice you've posted a ton of questions. Nothing wrong with that, but try and keep them in 1 comment as this could be seen as spamming which is against site rules.

If felt resonates with you, yes.

If I accidentally draw it creepy (like the eyes looking weird) will my real cat look creepy?

May 13, 2023
Not unless you focus on it looking creepy. Ii doesn't matter if you're art skills aren't expert level, this is meant to be a visualize representation you can look at and think of your familiar. Close your eyes and picture what they look like in your mind. If you drew a grey tabby but it looks like a scribble monster, that doesn't mean you'll meet a cat that looks angular and dribble shaped. You'll meet a grey tabby.

Can I use blue ink or pencil for the info? I don’t have black ink pen.

May 13, 2023
It doesn't give a reason for the colour, so I don't see why not.

Is there consequences if you tell someone about your cat

May 13, 2023
Like it'll burst into flames? No. You might get mocked by people who don't understand. Familiars [as I've stated a few times on this site] historically were said to be demons who took animal forms to spy on people for a witch. Today, many think they're just pets, but they're not that either. A familiar is a spirit. Sometimes, these spirits will take an animal form, but they're still animals. They can sense magick, can aid you in your craft, and will share a deep spiritual connection which will extend the animal's lifetime. Knowing this, ask yourself, do you need to share this with others? Some things are only for us to know. [just something to think about]

What are hamburger and Hot Dog style folds?

May 13, 2023

Hamberger: Fold the paper in half so it looks like a square.

Hot Dog: Fold it lengthwise so it makes a rectangle.

Also, when you fold paper, folding it toward you will direct energy to you [you want a familiar to come to you, fold toward you] folding it away sends the energy away [you want someone to leave you alone, fold the paper away]

How to telepathy your cat?

May 13, 2023
It's not exactly telepathy. You will share a spiritual bond with your familiar, but you need to put in the effort to know their personality. If you want to meditate but they want to play, don't force them to meditate with you. When you have a chance to meditate with them, sit and be present with your familiar. Try and sense their energy. When you're not meditating, observe their behaviour and get to know what action means food and which means cuddles and so on [my cat's not my familiar, but he'll give me a look and I'll go ''upsies'' and he'll reach out his front paws so I can pick him up. It's not telepathy, it's observation]

Once you have a familiar, can you change it? Or do you need to make a new one? Are you allowed to make a new one?

May 13, 2023
I feel you should do more research on familiars since you seem to be interested from a pop-culture point of view, or the idea this is a fancy cat. As stated above, familiars are physical animals you share a spiritual bond with. It's a spirit that is reborn as an animal that can aid you in your craft. The familiar will have the same lifespan as that animal, but the spiritual bond [think of it like a soul link] is what makes them a familiar. You will form a deep spiritual bond with this animal and when the animal passes, it will be a deep wound you need to heal from. [I had a familiar once and when he died, I could feel it. I was at school and felt a shooting pain and began to cry because I knew he was dead] So, no, you can't change your animal's appearance once you get it. You didn't ''make it'' you told the universe you want to find your familiar [honestly, the design a pet style of these familiar spells makes me think you're summoning a cat and not a familiar, but that's my opinion] you can have as many familiars as you desire, but again, it's a deep spiritual connection so while you can summon regular pets to your heart's content, familiars require more time because they're meant to help you on your journey and you're meant to form that bond with them.

Can I take my familiar to school?

May 13, 2023
No, you're summoning a physical animal. You can't take them to school. You'll have the energetic link to them and should sense when they're in distress or content or whatever, but you can't take your pet to school. Now, if you've summoned a spirit as your familiar and it's not a physical animal [because that's what a familiar is in reality] yes, they can come to school with you. Any non-physical member of your spiritual team can accompany you anywhere. I had a house spirit who followed me everywhere I went and the only people who noticed were other witches.

Can a familiar die?

May 13, 2023
Yes. You're calling on a physical cat to come to you. This is a spirit that took an animal form. [we are all spiritual beings living a physical life] This animal will die and it will be far more painful [it'll feel like a piece of you died with the familiar] because you're meant to form a spiritual bond with the animal.

Can I just write my preferences (like weight and height) on the back of 1 piece of paper?

May 13, 2023
I would assume the photo is meant to be a physical reminder since you're manifesting a cat [manifestation includes a lot of visualization so many people make vision boards to look at every morning to set their intention for the day] but since you're not using the photo that way, I think you'll be fine.

This is not how you summon a familiar. You are summoning a cat. You can train this cat to be like your familiar, but I am 99% certain you are just summoning a regular cat. Also, if you are calling on a deity, leave an offering.

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