Become an Elf or Rivendale

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SpellsSpiritual  ► Enchanting  ► Become an Elf or Rivendale
To become an Elf of Rivendale under the command rope.

Casting Instructions for 'Become an Elf or Rivendale'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Green leaf
  • Feather
  • Flower
  • Charm (necklace, bracelet, etc.)
  • Something to represent all four elements
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Green leaf
  • Feather
  • Flower
  • Charm (necklace, bracelet, etc.)
  • Something to represent all four elements


"Serra se niaja ra fareno lopenere hanet yez.
Repeat 3 times while sitting in front of your ingredients.
Now put on your charm and say:
An nophen sar Queen Ella, ghettran Elron".

Repeat 2 times.

Side effects will last for about a week. Once your side effects stop, you will be an Elf of Rivendale so long as you don't take your charm off for more than one day at a time. You must have it on for at least two days after you preform the spell, and after you take it off for any amount of time.


Added to on Jul 15, 2014
Last edited on Feb 23, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You can not become anything but human. You were born a human and human you shall remain. No amount of wishes will ever change that fact.

What kind of side affects?

Sep 22, 2019
This is a spell based on Tolkien's Lord of the Rings series. Elves of Rivendell are not a real thing, and regardless, you cannot change your species or race with magick. You are human and always will be, any side effects you may feel from a spell like this would merely be placebo.

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