A spell to transfer energy into an object. Useful for saving energy.
Casting Instructions for 'Energy Transfer (Object)'
You will need the following items for this spell:
A calm and quiet place
Object(A pentacle necklace, or stone...something you hold dear to.)
You will need the following items for this spell:
A calm and quiet place
Object(A pentacle necklace, or stone...something you hold dear to.)
Step 1:) Sit and close eyes. Have the object in hand.
Step 2:) Breath in and breath out.
Step 3:) Once you're ready, imagine a color of energy and imagine it covering yourself.
Step 4:) Then imagine the energy slowly flowing into the object you have in your hand.
Step 5:) Afterwards imagine the energy separating into two different sources, a small amount in your object and the rest in your body.
Step 6:) Take three deep breaths, then open your eyes.
Important Notes: This should be around three to four minutes to complete. Please do take your time. For clarification for step 5 try to make sure there is no more energy passing through your arm once you feel you have enough energy in your object.
Recommendations: I tried it with a small stone so I recommend it. It works.
i think i will try this spell sounds like something thats would help out a lot .but one question will the energy saved in to the stone, will others holding your stone feel the energy you have saved in the stone?
If it copy and pasted that would be an amazing feat. To double your energy and then put half of that into the object is super cool dude but I personally never heard of someone doing it.
Magick energy is neutral, it's you who gives it the positive or negative charge. If you want it to be negative, reflect on negative emotions [anger, sadness, fear] instead of positive ones [happiness, love, wonder]
Can you already connect with energy? Start by connecting to the energy around us before tapping into the energy of objects. Try the tree exercise [there's a guide in the General Info section of the forums titled ''Grounding and Centering'' that can help] you might also consider starting by making psi balls so you can feel the energy in your hand. Gently rub your hands together [I also like to snap my fingers a few times as a ''wake up''] then slowly pull your hands apart and cup them as if you're holding a ball. Sit relaxed with your eyes closed [unless you prefer them open] and just feel the warmth in your hands. Visualize a small ball of energy [I tend to go with the Naruto/Dragonball imagery of a glowing electricity ball] Pull your hands apart slowly as the ball grows, then slowly bring then closer together as you condense this energy. As you do this, you should feel energy pushing against your hand like two magnets trying to push away from each other.
Yes very good spell, I personally think to get the best results you should always start with success spells then psy ball which will inhance power converted
Could this technically be also done with people? Like, transferring good energy to someone, or would there be limitations/adversities? For example, more time needed or some other requirement as there could be a barrier blocking said energy within the person, or something like that?
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