Healing Nature

SpellsSpiritual  ► Enchanting  ► Healing Nature
Is there a tree thats dieing or maybe some flowers? This will help heal them.

Casting Instructions for 'Healing Nature'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Medium sized stones no bigger than 4 inches in diameter
  • Full moon
  • Purified water
  • Belief
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Medium sized stones no bigger than 4 inches in diameter
  • Full moon
  • Purified water
  • Belief

Go to the area that is dieing and pour the water in a circle around it.
Place the rocks on top of the water circle so that they also make a circle
Chant this three times:


"The nature here will bloom.
The nature here is loved
with your help I ask of thee
let this nature live.
A force like no other
will help thee bloom
so nature here shall live."


Leave the stones there and go back every few days to check on the area if no progress has been made repeat the process.


Added to on Jul 08, 2016
Last edited on Dec 01, 2017
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Well healing the nature can we alter the properties of that plant and change it

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