Enchant a jewellery item

SpellsSpiritual  ► Enchanting  ► Enchant a jewellery item
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Casting Instructions for 'Enchant a jewellery item'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Jewellery
  • You
  • Full moon
  • Night
  • Outside
  • Belief (In spell and Magick)
  • offering for Gods and Goddesses
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Jewellery
  • You
  • Full moon
  • Night
  • Outside
  • Belief (In spell and Magick)
  • offering for Gods and Goddesses

Go outside on a full moon at night, with the piece of jewellery and offering, say this 1-10x


"O, Gods and Goddesses, please enchant this jewellery item with protection, love, strength, and hope, for me! accept this humble offering of (insert offering here), please! So Mote it be!!" may take a while to notice if the offering's been accepted. (insert offering here) means you can choose what your offering is.


Added to on Aug 24, 2022
Last edited on Feb 26, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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If you do not work with a specific deity, do not call on them. You need to be specific, and asking for an item to have everything will not work. Moreover, you put no Magik into this, and all you are doing is holding an item and saying ''make me awesome'' and that is not how Real Magik works. If you build this out into a full ritual since this includes offerings, and if you choose one thing to enchant the jewelry with, it might work, but as outlined, no.

*tsk tsk tsk* This is very fake, the author must have been very crazy about fake magic.

I regret putting this spell up back in my fluff days.

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