Making a Poppet

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SpellsSpiritual  ► Enchanting  ► Making a Poppet
When you are making a poppet, it is good to have either taken a ritual bath or to have meditated – both on whether the use of a poppet is appropriate at this time and how best to make use of the poppet. This is to ensure that insofar as is possible, you have removed any subjective feelings and emotions about the subject, and are acting only as the creator of the object. You know then that you are acting onlyas the channel for the energy that is being used

Casting Instructions for 'Making a Poppet'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Paper or card
  • Soft material such as felt or cotton
  • Needle and thread
  • Straw, paper or cotton wool
  • Herbs, appropriate to the spell you are
  • performing, may be used
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Paper or card
  • Soft material such as felt or cotton
  • Needle and thread
  • Straw, paper or cotton wool
  • Herbs, appropriate to the spell you are
  • performing, may be used

Draw the outline of a simple human figure on the card or paper, then cut it out. It should ideally be at least 10 cm ( 3 in) high. Fold the material in two and place the template on it. Cut around the template. Sew the figures together, leaving a small area open.

Turn the figure inside out so the stitches are on the inside. Stuff the figure with the straw, paper, cotton wool or herbs. You can personalize the poppet by adding a lock of hair to the filling. You can also use buttons for eyes, or draw on facial features if you wish.

Finish sewing the material together. Your poppet is now ready for use. Do not destroy it when you have finished with it either give it to the person whom it represents or bury it safely in the earth.


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Last edited on Sep 18, 2016
Part of the The Immortal's Keep Library.


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