Witch's Bottle

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SpellsSpiritual  ► Warding Off  ► Witch's Bottle
For protection of yourself, your home, and your loved ones.

Casting Instructions for 'Witch's Bottle'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A large glass jar (reuse a pickle jar, a mason jar, etc)
  • Urine (your own)
  • Vinegar
  • Rusty nails (coffin nails or railroad spikes if available)
  • Broken glass pieces
  • Broken mirror pieces
  • Your own blood
  • Graveyard dirt (from the grave of a law enforcement officer if possible, if not, then any graveyard dirt will work)
  • Shovel
  • A place at the North-East corner of your property to bury the jar
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A large glass jar (reuse a pickle jar, a mason jar, etc)
  • Urine (your own)
  • Vinegar
  • Rusty nails (coffin nails or railroad spikes if available)
  • Broken glass pieces
  • Broken mirror pieces
  • Your own blood
  • Graveyard dirt (from the grave of a law enforcement officer if possible, if not, then any graveyard dirt will work)
  • Shovel
  • A place at the North-East corner of your property to bury the jar

Collect your urine. The best way to do this is to urinate first thing in the morning (this is when the urine is most "pure") into a disposable cup. Gather other ingredients wherever you plan to do put the jar together.

Firstly, pour the urine into the jar. Secondly, pour about a cup to two cups of vinegar in the jar. Thirdly, add a drop of your blood. Fourthly, add the rest of the items (broken glass, broken mirror, rusty nails, graveyard dirt).

On a dark moon go to the furthest North-East corner of your property. Dig a hole deep enough that the bottle will not be disturbed. Place the bottle in the hole and cover it up. Throughout this time, make sure no one sees you doing this, as that will make the Witch's Bottle unable to work.

Leave the bottle for as long as you reside there. When you move, be sure to dig the bottle up, and smash it in a river or stream to undo the magic. Make a new one for the next place you live.


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Last edited on Jan 24, 2019
Part of the Practical Witches Library.


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thisis a hex not a protection spell please dont cast this

Looking at the items, like graveyard dirt, vinegar and urine, this appears to be a hex, but it is indeed a witches bottle. Witches bottles are to protect the witches home and attack intruders. Nails and sharp objects are essential, as well as some dirt from your home. A drop of your blood is optional, as is urine and vinegar. From my understanding, vinegar is a substitute for urine. You could use both, but it seems excessive. Blood, urine, fingernails, hair, spit, these items are to tune the jar to protect you. Dirt from your home is also a good idea. Nails, glass, mirrors, and other sharp objects were used to send the energy back at the attacker with a vengeance. You would also place black salt, mustard seed, and other protection herbs inside the jar to further defend against Magikal attacks. I have not heard of it being made at a specific time, but I am sure there is an opportune time if you work with the moon and planets. As for graveyard dirt, this can be a tricky item to use properly, so I would not recommend using it and just substituting it for the above protective items. While you can bury it by your house, most witches I know leave it either under their bed or in a high spot where it will not be disturbed. I would also seal it with wax from a black candle, or white if you are worried by the colour. If you do not believe in Magik doing harm under any circumstances, do not make this. This spell is like a guard dog. If someone breaks in, they will be bit. It will not seek out enemies to fight.

Jan 11, 2023
Question... Is a ward a good alternative, or would they both work together in harmony?

Jan 11, 2023
You could do both, or one, it depends on what you feel works best for your situation. Personally, I recommend having a few different protections in case a witch gets past one the others would stop them. These protections do not all have to be high level spells. A ward, a witches bottle, a protection necklace and a protection symbol somewhere near your entrance is plenty for your average witch. The reason being, basic negative energy would be stopped by a charm and you would not need to waste the energy you used in the witches bottle. If you are working with more negative energy, ''darker'' forces, or are in a hex-off with another witch, I would go for stronger protections.

Can the urine be substituted for personal belongings/hair?

Sep 23, 2024
No. Historically, Witch's Bottle contain the witch's urine. It is a key component of the spell. If you remove it, you restructure the spell. It will still work, it will just be less effective. You are creating a trap for those who wish to harm you. Urine is symbolic, but also the Magikal associations with urine is why you use it. You would not include your belongings/hair because it would trap you energetically in the bottle with the negativity. Hair also should not be used as an ingredient because the Magikal associations are not the same as urine. If you plan to alter this and turn it into a curse, you could use the targets belongings/hair, but you still need urine.

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