Rain Storm

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SpellsWeather  ► Sun  ► Rain Storm
A spell to bring the rain.

Casting Instructions for 'Rain Storm'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None

Close your eyes and visualize dark clouds suddenly hiding the sun. Imagine the rain and lightening happening. Imagine yourself being struck by the lightening and "feel" the energy coursing through your body. Imagine you are glowing with energy, look up at the sky and yell "I command thee storm to rise".


Added to on Jan 28, 2012
Last edited on Oct 23, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Ok so I did it and it started raining and I got really excited but then it stopped after 2mins .... I was sad after that . So how do I get it to go on for longer????

Feb 10, 2019
This spell will not work.

Apr 01, 2019
That happened the first time I cast a rain spell. My tips are to pour more energy and focus into the spell. But most importantly YOU MUST forget about the spell after you cast it. Do not lust for results because when expect it to happen delays it from happening. Do something fun after the spell to ground yourself and replenish your energy and take your mind of of the spell. Good luck!

What is it is sunny no cloud day

Lol it actually worked for me cause its raining now before it was super sunny now not so much lol

This spell actually worked. I performed the spell last night and during the day after it started to thunder and rain!!! My fist spell was a success!

Weather spells are a grey area in Magik. Some claim they are possible, others do not. Historically, many cultures have had people who can manipulate the weather. So, while I do not approve of playing around with the weather, I do believe it is something one should do for fun. Some might be born with this gift, some might not, but for most, it is an advanced form of Magik because of the amount of energy required.

With that out of the way, I can see this spell working for some, but being dangerous to do. If you have an affinity for weather Magik, visualizing being struck by lightning to the point where you can feel it in your body, might backfire in a very bad way. It is the same reason, you should not ask for a fire elemental to burn away your obstacles, as they might take this literally. However, this is a bare bones outline for weather Magik that can work for those who have a natural affinity for it, or have been practicing for a while. Then ending part with the lightning and the yelling I would omit. The lightning for the aforementioned potential electrocution. And be aware, the divine uses the path of least resistance, so you might not be hit by actual lightning, but you might get a lot of static shocks and zaps over the coming days because you told the universe what you wanted through your manifestation. The reason behind the new chant is because it is not a chant. It is you yelling ''I want a storm.'' Yes, it can work for the aforementioned reasons, but if you are not skilled in this department, you should be more specific, and as always, you need to say the chant more than once.

As for those who throw caution to the wind and want to try weather Magik *sigh* I strongly urge you not to because of the whole Uncle Ben with great power reasons. You are not making a single raincloud over you, you are moving weather patterns. This is why Weather Magik is contentious and difficult. That is a lot of power for a human to wield, and therefore seems unlikely to some. Also, you might cause something worse for other people. You get your sunny day, but it turns into a drought elsewhere. This is why I am of the mind leave it to Mother Nature. This is also why people who believed in shaman who could control the weather only asked when they desperately needed the weather to change. Now, if you seriously want to try it, to ensure you are actually causing the weather to change and you are not simply fooling yourself. Look at the weather in your area over the next several days. If the news is reporting a 75% chance of rain in the next 24 hours and you cast this spell and oh golly gosh it starts to rain, that would be considered inconclusive evidence. Pick a day where it is 100% rain and make it stop. Pick a day that is 100% sun and make is rain. I am not encouraging messing with the weather, but if you are so set on trying it, remove any obstacles which could skew your results in a bias favour.

And because I have not finger wagged enough on this topic, with great power, comes great responsibility, and be careful what you wish for. You have been warned, so accept whatever consequences come your way.

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